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WELCOME to my section of English!


PROJEKT pro milovníky divadla.

Zobrazeno: 1572x

Are you into theatre? Do you love acting, singing and showing off a bit?

If you want to prepare and work on some modern or classical play in English, you have good ideas and imagination...

.... you are not shy and would like to perform on a stage, then you are the right person for this kind of project.

As last year, we can join the theatre festival in Poland but must prepare a play in English for it. Some students have already joined the project and you can be next.

So, don`t hesitate, write or contact me personally in my office.

Gymnázium, Karviná, příspěvková organizace
Karviná-Nové Město, Mírová 1442, 735 06
IČ: 62331795

+420 596 311 197
DS: 7wwfxjx

WEBdesign: Jan Swiatkowski & matuteam 2019
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